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We Are Twisted Fucking Sister! (2014) (Collector's Edition, 2 DVDs)

Englisch · DVD

US Version | Ländercode 1
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In the mid-1970s, Dee Snider and his Twisted Sister bandmates claimed glitter rock for their own, cross-dressing their way to headlining every club within 100 miles of New York City, from New Jersey bowling alleys to Long Island beach bars. With gigs six nights a week, they were the most successful live bar band of suburban New York, selling out 5,000-seat shows fueled by their no-holds-barred stage presence and aggressive metal setlists. But by the early 80s, they found themselves balancing on a double-edged sword, hugely popular with local audiences but without a national following or a record deal to speak of. When Twisted Sister finally got their big break in 1983, they d go on to become one of the biggest glam rock bands of the decade, their over-the-top live shows drawing sell-out crowds and their music videos defining an early MTV network. To anyone who knew the hard-fought battle they d won to get there, the band that killed disco was no overnight success. WE ARE TWISTED FUCKING SISTER! is the mesmerizing, wickedly appealing and never-before-told story of the ten grueling years leading up to the band s legendary career, recounted directly by the band themselves, their managers and their biggest fans.


Regisseur Andrew Horn
Interpreten Twisted Sister
Genre Hardrock, Metal
Dokumentation > Portrait, Biographie
Dokumentation > Musik
Inhalt 2 DVDs
Erscheinungsdatum 23.02.2016
Edition Collector's Edition
Ton Englisch (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Untertitel Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Laufzeit 134 Minuten
Bildformat 16/9
Produktionsjahr 2014
Version US Version
Ländercode 1



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