€ 44,99

Beck’s Blues (2024 Reissue, Charly Records, LP)


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In the summer of 1965 - in the midst of an era of great rock guitar hooks - Jeff Beck made his entrance (and what an entrance) with the bitingly unforgettable riff backbone to the Yardbirds' biggest hit 'Heart Full Of Soul'. It announced the debut of a guitar genius that posterity would soon rank with Clapton, Page and Hendrix in the pantheon of rock guitar gods - not only for the 60s, but for the ages. The word "legend" doesn't do Jeff Beck justice. In his long and fascinatingly erratic career, he covered many musical bases, his art ranging from viciously hard and heavy to transcendentally beautiful, everything perfectly played and straight from the heart. He was beyond amazing: "Jeff's got notes on his guitar no one else has," said Eric Clapton. Jeff Beck's first and biggest successes are here on this album: blues-based precursors to the musical dimensions he would explore so satisfyingly for the following fifty years, yet still astounding, still thrilling.


Interpreten Jeff Beck
Genre Blues, Zydeco
Inhalt LP
Erscheinungsdatum 03.05.2024
Edition Charly Records, 2024 Reissue




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